instagram post content to choose

Engaging Instagram Post Concepts to Inspire You

Instagram is known as the best digital platform for the sharing of visual content. More than a billion people will be using this photo-sharing site every month by 2021. this is the ideal place for businesses and individuals to connect with, engage, and inspire their audiences.

In terms of interaction, Instagram is popular, and you can tap into its potential by utilizing a variety of Instagram posting concepts. We all know that creating and executing innovative Instagram post concepts requires time, energy, money, and time. But isn’t it worthwhile after all? This means there are plenty of possibilities for companies that regularly produce interesting Instagram content to grow and maintain their following. Of course, Instagram posts should engage and inspire your followers, creating an impression that will last.

We’re going to talk about some Instagram post concepts that are sure to inspire you and make your account better.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Sharing behind-the-scenes content can be a great way to promote your reputation on Instagram. It doesn’t require much time or funds, but it is extremely efficient. What’s the benefit of content that is behind the scenes? It increases customer trust by showing more intimate aspects of your business. Behind-the-scenes videos allow you to present your team, talk about your hopes and dreams, and display your brand’s character in a more relaxed way. This will help lay the groundwork for a more distinctive brand image.

BTS content is also efficient because it gives businesses the opportunity to authentically connect with their customers and establish trust. Good BTS content is geared towards the transparency of company processes and products. The more authentic a video is, the more effective you will see it.

Optimize User-Generated Content

For businesses that have an active user base, user-generated content (UGC) is an effective tool to increase engagement and increase the conversion rate on Instagram. 

UGC isn’t only simple for businesses to utilize. However, it also acts as a great social proof tool for customers.

Research has shown that UGC can boost click-through rates by 400 per cent and conversion rates by 8.5 per cent. In addition, UGC can lead to an increase of 20% in return visitors. 

Additionally, UGC helps convert potential customers. Indeed, 78% of millennials consider UGC particularly helpful when making purchase decisions.

To that end, Instagram makes it very simple for companies to sell directly via Instagram shopping. In fact, 70% of consumers use Instagram to make their next shopping spree.

Stickers to your posts

You can add stickers to your posts. Stickers and collages aren’t only meant for Stories. Making cool stickers or other overlays with graphics to feed posts can make your posts distinct from regular photos. This is especially beneficial for brands that are visually appealing, playful, funny and fun.

The stickers aren’t too overwhelming on the image, and they’re only enough to draw the eye with their playful nature.

Overlays and stickers are an emerging fashion on Instagram. They’re fun to play with, and when used properly, they can enhance your photos.

You can find a handful of apps that add cute stickers for those who aren’t looking to design your own. You don’t have to be proficient in Illustrator abilities to create this type of post.

Show Your Real Side in Reels

Instagram Reels are the most valuable resource on Instagram. It is impossible to overlook the medium if your goal is to grow and increase your exposure on the social media platform. However, if you wish to make a mark and shine your reels and shine, you must show the world your Real side. Nothing screams more authentic than having faces displayed in your Reels.

A page with a human element instantly oozes authenticity. You can share your face, and a snapshot can be the best way to show you are real. Therefore, every now and again, include real people from your company in the Instagram reels. Even a major food chain such as Domino’s has a real persona on their Reels.

Build branded content relationships  

 Instagram offers a branding feature for content partnerships that allows creators to increase the visibility of their branded posts to their feeds.

By establishing relationships with creatives and working together with them on ideas for content for Instagram, it is possible to get more attention for your services and products.

Be on the lookout for an upcoming feature from Instagram that lets brands utilize data and filters to identify the most talented creators for their forthcoming campaigns. It’s currently being evaluated by a select group of U.S. creators and brands.

Increase engagement with contests and giveaways

Giveaways and contests can be an effective way to increase the participation of the public and establish an online profile. The offer of a prize for the lucky winner could encourage users to participate in activities such as tagging friends or following your page and liking your posts. 

This method involves giving the prize away at no cost, and the prizes could vary in size. In accordance with your reach and your reach, you could also get such a shoutout, a complimentary consultation or lunch with the founder.

Get Your Audience Engaged with Surveys and Quizzes

The use of quizzes and polls is an ideal way to boost the potential for engagement. There are a variety of ways to utilize quizzes for Instagram ideas for posts, and asking users to share their answers could result in substantial engagement. 

An excellent Instagram Story post idea is creating polls or quizzes on the platform and then adding these to Stories. Select the poll, quiz or question functions from the available elements you can add to your story and create an engaging story from there.

Memes to share

Make your brand more human and humorous by sharing relatable memes you are certain will resonate with your audience.

If done well, memes can increase brand recognition and improve the engagement of customers. By connecting with your audience emotionally and expressing yourself more authentically, you’ll appear more authentic.

Keep them fun, relevant, current, and timely. Best case scenario? You go viral. Worst case scenario? You look cringe. It’s a good idea to consider a second opinion before posting.


We hope that these Instagram post concepts have given you some ideas for what you can try for your business. Instagram now offers various types of content. Don’t be shackled into one kind of content because that’s the way you’ve been using it.

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